Hi, Royal Puzzlers!
How did you get on with our first themed crossword of the week yesterday? Have any of you got the royal link yet?!
A reminder, too, that following the gremlins that plagued Monday’s post, yesterday’s post also contains this week’s prize crossword. You have until midnight UK time to enter. Good luck!
What’s all this about?
If you’ve not been paying much attention to your emails for the last week or so and are completely befuddled by this post, then don’t worry. Here’s an overview of Royal Club puzzles and why we launched them!
Wednesday’s warm-up puzzle
Before you tackle today’s themed crossword, here’s a bonus wordsearch to get those grey cells ticking over. Just click the image below to play.
Wednesday’s royal-themed crossword
Now you’re nicely warmed up, here’s the main event. Again, just click the image below to play.